The Sunshine Girls exists to love dancers, bouncers, bartenders, and others in the adult entertainment industry. We hope to offer love, compassion, and services to those who need it and a smile to those who don’t.Our message is not that the industry is “bad”, it is that we don’t care what your occupation is--we love you, and most important-- God loves you! Some of us have even been dancers and prostitutes! What to expect when inviting The Sunshine Girls into your club.The ladies from The Sunshine Girls will drop in Thursday or Friday nights , bringing a meal, small gifts and hugs. A lot of clubs prefer that we just drop these in the dressing room. We don’t mind helping girls zip into their costume, or holding a curling iron. We don’t stay long--we know the dancers are busy, but we do want them to know that we care, and we want to be there if they have needs. What types of needs? We have provided services for dancers such as: assisting with emergency lodging and financial distresses, throwing spa days, baby showers and wedding showers. We might provide Easter dinners, Christmas parties, educational activities (like how to choose a photographer) or fun summer picnics for their kids and themselves--Safe activities, with no judgment, no sideways glances. The Sunshine Girls affiliates with local service agencies that can assist with food and clothing needs, counseling services, emergency housing for domestic violence victims, etc. We also help clubs. We's love to remodel or spruce up the dressing room of an area club This would be our gift to the club and the ladies who work there. The Sunshine Girls provides up to three sessions of certified trauma counseling at no cost for employees of a club here in Savannah. It is not our job to get the girls out of their occupations.It is our job to love them where they are and provide support, services, and just a hug. Our gifts are just reminders that we care. We will never demean dancers, bouncers, bartenders or managers or suggest they are anything but amazing. When they are down, and life is hard, we want them to have someone to call upon. CLUB OWNERS AND MANAGERS, PLEASE LET YOUR EMPLOYEES KNOW THAT WE ARE THERE TO SUPPORT THEM. You can also contact us if you have a girl whose car breaks down, or who has a need that your club can’t really provide. We do hospital and jail visits. We are volunteers, but we will do our best to provide hands-on assistance.