Did you know you can play a major part in a ministry to women who work in the adult entertainment industry in Savannah? Every week The Sunshine Girls bring a home cooked meal into 4 local strip clubs in the Savannah/Hinesville area to build relationships with the women who work there! Food is our vehicle into the club to get to know the ladies and remind them that they are loved. valued. and purposed. We are looking for individuals willing to sign up to cook a meal for us to take with us! If you are interested, you can find the details and sign up here! This is a great service project for a small group! SIGN UP HERE! https://mealtrain.com/g6zzeo
We bring meals into 2 clubs. We feed approx 10 in one club and 20 in the other. Please make sure meals are cooked in a way that we can take one pan into one club and send two to the others. Meals should be delivered ready to serve (ie. hot or cold depending on the meal) to our Prayer time at Starbucks. We have insulated bags and we will have all of the paper goods and utensils. You are welcome to stay and pray with us before we head into the clubs.
Favorite meals/restaurantsVery Simple Casseroles or Meals. The Girls love: Comfort foods, Salads and fruit, Sub Sandwiches, Meatloaf, Mac and Cheese, Tacos, Stir Fry, Pasta Salads, Italian Casseroles,